The Club encourages parents to keep your child safe by encouraging them to learn the rules about safety and acceptable behaviour and to participate within them and to provide the necessary support. As a member of Chelmsford Gymnastics Club, gymnasts must agree to abide by the following code:
I will:
Be punctual to training and be ready to start training on time
Wear suitable attire for both training and events as agreed with the coach. Keep all long hair tied back neatly at events and in training and remove all body jewellery. Crop tops and shorts are not suitable gymnastics attire. In colder months, wear suitable warmup clothing, ie, tracksuit bottoms/joggers and sweatshirt.
Attend the warm up as it is an essential part of the training that helps the prevention of injury
Immediately tell my Coach of any existing injuries or illness before the warm up begins or immediately if I injure myself or feel unwell during the session
Take care of and be respectful towards the Club’s equipment and facility and put any rubbish in the bin
Listen to and follow the instructions of my coaches at all times and asking questions if I am unsure about anything
Be committed to my training program, as agreed with my coach, approach training with a positive attitude, be the best gymnast that I can be and try my hardest to achieve the tasks I am set
Always try to be mindful of the impact my words and actions can have on others, as I understand that bullying will not be tolerated. I will tell a coach if I believe that another member of the class is being bullied or unfairly treated by other participants in the gymnasium
I will show respect to all coaches, judges, officials and other gymnasts and respect fellow Club members by providing support and encouragement
I will be a positive role model for other gymnasts and my Club
I will always show awareness and respect for cultural and religious differences
I will pay attention to my own personal hygiene, ensuring both they and their leotards are clean and use deodorant when required
I will look after my own floor CD, chalk & hand-guards, ensuring they are brought to each training session.
I will respect fellow gymnasts at all times, both in and out of the gym
I will take training seriously and not mess around – I know I am in a squad for a reason and I will perform everything to the best of my ability every session. Any concerns that my coach may have concerning my approach to my training will be discussed with me first. Further concerns will be discussed with my parents/carers before deciding upon a suitable course of action.
If I have any worries that you can’t discuss with your coach or parents/carers, you can contact our Club Welfare Officers Jay or Carrie on ……………..
I will not:
Enter the gymnasium at the start of a session until asked to do so by a coach
Use the equipment without a coach’s permission or attempt a new move or series of moves without the permission, support or supervision of a coach
Leave the gymnastics hall during the training session or break times unless I have permission from my coach
Use bad or inappropriate language
Attend training if I am injured or otherwise unwell unless agreed with my coach
Eat during training sessions (other than during a scheduled lunch or snack break during long sessions, or it is for medical reasons)
Use a mobile phone during training sessions
Be rude or disrespectful to coaches and other gymnasts
Criticize the performance of another participant to that or other participants
Leave the Club premises without my parents/guardian and will remain with the coaches at the end of the session until I am collected by my parent/guardian.
I will never use social sites ie Facebook, twitter or mobile services such as WhatsApp to post any disrespectful status’s towards the gym club or any coaches or other members.